Saturday, January 26, 2008

Trans-Atlantic Swap!

Legally Blonde The Musical is planning a swap of actors from its Broadway Production to it London Production and from its London Production to its Broadway Production.

Sheridan Smith will leave the London cast of Legally Blonde on Saturday March 29th 2008. She will then start the role of Elle in the Broadway production at the Palace Theatre on Wednesday April 9th 2008. She will continue on Broadway till June 2008.

Laura Bell Bundy will leave the Broadway cast of Legally Blonde on Sunday March 30th 2008. She will then start the role of Elle in the London production at the Adelphi Theatre on Friday April 11th 2008. She will continue in London until May 31st 2008. She will then return to the Broadway production of Legally Blonde on June 24th 2008!

We are very excited to have 2 new leads join the hit shows! Sheriden and Laura will continue in there respective casts until the transfer.

Cast As Of January 26th

Elle------------------Sheriden Smith
Emmett----------------Craig Adams
Paulette--------------Hannah Waddingham
Warner----------------Christian Campbell
Vivienne--------------Niki Davis-Jones
Brooke----------------Charlie Bull
Callahan--------------Simon Slater
Margot----------------Claire Fisheden
Alternate Elle--------Kerry Butler

Kerry Butler will perform the role of "Elle" on Monday evenings.


Elle------------------Charlie Bull, Claire Fisheden
Emmett----------------Christian Campbell, Alex Jessop, Ben Clare
Paulette--------------Morag Siller, Lucy Harris
Warner----------------John Jeffery Martin, Ben Clare
Vivienne--------------Kathleen Nanni, Kristin Carbone
Brooke----------------Sarah Solie, Verity Bentham
Callahan--------------Kevin Pearu, Robert Creighton
Margot----------------Betsy Morgan, Megg Schall